Girl Scout Troop 12135

Troop Leader's WELCOME !!

 "Welcome to Nishi's Girl Scout Troop 12135's 37th year of scouting. Our leaders and Scouts are prepared for another year of fun, service-oriented and goal-focused activities. Thank you to our families and advisors who volunteer their time to maintain the continuity of our multi-level troop. And, kudos to our Scouts who make the effort to develop their life skills and friendships year-after-year."


If you have any questions regarding our troop, contact Troop co-leader E. Nozaki at

Welcome to Nishi Girl Scout Troop 12135, which is sponsored by the Los Angeles Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple. Our troop, welcomes any girl and her family, regardless of religious affiliation, who fulfills the requirements dictated by the Girl Scout organization and agrees to respect the traditions and practices of Nishi Hongwanji Buddhist Temple.


The Nishi Troop was established in 1986. Through the years, we have had the opportunity to expand the program and include all grade levels of Girl Scouting.


We hope that the following information helps you understand the importance of your role in Nishi Girl Scout Troop 12135. If you have any questions regarding our troop, contact Troop co-leader E. Nozaki at



For Active member's Resource

Information for New Scout Parents

Parent's Promise

On my honor I will try:

  • To share my daughter's new interest
 and show appreciation for her efforts
  • To live up to the Girl Scout Promise and Laws
  • To give her opportunities to practice
her new skills at home
  • To attend the troop events to which
I am invited
  • And to support Girl Scouting by
Working for and Contributing to
Activities and funds that make
Scouting possible in our community.

Temple Promise

  1. Each member of our Girl Scout Troop and her family agree to respect the traditions and practices of Nishi Hongwanji Buddhist Temple.
  2. Members are obligated to participate in mandatory Temple events, as required by the Affiliated Organizations of the Temple. (Article IV, Los Angeles Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Scouting Program By-Laws). These events include but are not limited to: Temple Clean-up, Garden Clean-up, Obon Festival, and Surf & Turf fundraiser.

Parent Committee

  1. Parents are expected to attend Parent Meetings. These meetings are held on the 4th Friday of each month. Occasionally, the meeting will be held on the 3rd Friday due to holidays or special events. Advance notification will be given if the meetings are changed from the 4th Friday.
  2. At the Parent Meetings, the Girl Scout Leaders apprise parents on activities and lessons the Troop Members worked on during the month. Parents and Leaders discuss outings, awards and activities. They work together to solve problems and address concerns.
  3. Parent committees are formed to organize the parent involvement for our fundraisers, celebrations and Temple commitments. Parent committees and Parent Committee officers are assigned to each Scout level, and parents in each level must participate. Committees are created for the Scout activities (Fall Festival, Nuts & Magazine Sale, Coolie Sale), and temple activities (Surf & Turf and Obon fundraisers, Garden and Temple Cleanups, and hospitality for both Scout & temple-related functions.)
  4. The Parent Committee Officers oversee the basic functions of the troop. These positions are: Chairperson, Vive Chairperson, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Historian. The Chairperson is the representative for the Girl Scout Troop at Temple Board meetings, while the Vice Chairperson attends the Temple Affiliated Organization meetings. The Chairperson also presides at all monthly Parent Meetings.

Fund Raisers

Our troop activities and outings are funded by two major Girl Scout Council fundraisers. They are the Fall Product Sale (nuts & magazines) which takes place during October and November, and the Cookie Sale which occurs in January through March. These fundraisers are organized through the efforts of the Parent Committee.


The success of these fund raisers, due to the efforts of all of our Girl Scout families has allowed us to support troop activities and to cover expenses. Costs include materials for Troop projects, badges and outings.

Fees & Allowance

Girl Scouts USA collects registration fees online annually. Troop 12135 allocates a per Scout allowance annually, funded by the two major fundraisers.  (8/27/2023) 

History of the Girl Scout Troop 12135

Join Troop Poster

In the spring of 1985, Yuko Miyatake was assisting her husband do a photo-shoot of the Court of Honor Ceremony of Boy Scout Troop 738 of the Nishi Hongwanji Buddhist Temple. At that time she met Scoutmaster Shoichi Sayano and asked him why there was a Boy Scout troop and Cub Scout pack but no Girl Scout troop? His answer was "No one started one...would you like to start one for us?" He referred her to Mrs. Fusako Yoshida who had been actively involved in the Cub and Boy Scout programs. Together they began the process of organizing a Girl Scout Troop at the Temple.


Join the Girl Scouts poster. The first six months were all administrative; setting up the troop, petitioning the Temple for approval, attracting members and leaders, issuing publicity releases, obtaining supplies for activities, and opening a bank account. Finally in September of 1985, the troop was given the number 1213 and the organization was started with six Junior Girl Scouts.


At the beginning, the Court of Awards ceremonies were held in conjunction with the Boy Scout's Court of Honor ceremonies. It was during this time, the VFW Nisei Memorial Post 9902 presented Troop 1213 with an American Flag. Since then, the troop grew with the addition of Brownie Girl Scout and Cadette Girl Scout levels. On December 2, 1988 the troop held their first Court of Awards Ceremony on their own.


The Troop prides itself in participating within the community. Some of the organizations they have volunteered at are Keiro Nursing Home, the Los Angeles Marathon, Japanese-American National Museum, Nisei Week, Los Angeles County Fair, and many activities at the Temple.


In 1995 with their Tenth Anniversary Celebration, the Troop was proud to present their first Girl Scout Gold Awardees. Four of the Senior Girl Scouts had attained the highest award in Girl Scouting. Along with this prestigious award, they were the first in the Troop to receive the Padma Religious Award from the Buddhist Churches of America.


The troop's size waxes and wanes in size, currently with 49 Scouts, ranging from Daisy kindergarteners to Ambassador high-school seniors. A staff of 19 leaders volunteers for a nine-month annual season, which aligns with the school year. This program prides itself in preparing these young women for the challenges of life and producing good citizens. With the dedicated volunteers and the support of the parents' committee, Nishi Girl Scout Troop 12135 will continue to grow for many years to come.



More information on Girl Scout