
The Nishi Library provides catalogs of the various books stored in the L.A. Nishi Library

Digital Sutra for daily service is available online

We are a part of the Southern District under the Buddhist Churches of America

You can buy items relating to Buddhism and Jodo Shinshu at The Hongwanji Place

BCA welcomes all seekers as we continue our mission to share the Buddhist teachings and embrace

lives of gratitude in community with one another.

Hongwanji is the head temple of the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha Buddhist organization. Japanese Buddhist temples usually have its honorific mountain name and the one for Hongwanji is Ryukokuzan. Therefore, the temple’s official name is Ryukokuzan Hongwanji, however, its nickname “Nishi (lit., “west”) Hongwanji” is rather well known to people. 

BDK is a non-sectarian organization and does not promote any particular denomination of Buddhism. Rather, it endeavors to promote and propagate Buddhist wisdom found in Buddhist history and cultures by developing a wide range of activities and programs. Ultimately, BDK wishes to contribute to the achievement of global peace and harmony.