Scouting at L.A. Nishi

Scouting America troop 738

Scouting America Troop 738 invites youth 11-17 years of age to experience new and exciting things. In any given year activities that are offered include rock climbing, canoeing, fishing, hiking, camping, and skiing. Our long-term trips have included backpacking in the High Sierras, camping in Hawaii, participating in the Nippon Jamboree in Japan, and attending the National Jamboree in Virginia. Learn outdoor skills, experience leadership, and make life-long friends in the Scouting program. Call the Temple for additional information and contact persons in the organization.


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Girl scout troop 12135

 Troop 12135 is part of the Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles Council (GSGLA) and is open to kindergarten-grade girls through high school seniors. The girls learn scouting skills, participate in community service projects, and develop leadership skills that will assist them later in life.


We meet during the school year - September through early June.


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Cub Scout pack 738

The Nishi Cub Scout Pack 738 provides an opportunity for our youth to learn from and participate in the established programs of the Cub Scouts. The members of the Cub Scout Pack 738 are youth ages 7 -10 years old or first grade up to fifth grade.


Pack 738 events include Raingutter Regatta, Pinewood Derby, Family Camp-out, Blue and Gold Dinner, Promotion Dinners, and OBON. Pack 738 meets every Friday from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the LA Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple.


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