About us

Main Building and Downtown L.A.
Main Building and Downtown L.A.
Main Hall (Hondo)
Main Hall (Hondo)

our misssion

"Ever since the establishment of our Los Angeles Hompa Hongwaji, the temple has served not only the communities of Los Angeles County but the entire Southern California as well. It has served all Buddhist temple members and non-members as well for weddings, memorial and funeral services.

  • This is the place where the Three Treasures are housed: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.
  • This is the place where we meet old friends and make new friends. This is our social place.
  • This is a place for meeting for organizations and clubs.
  • This is the place where we have entertainment, banquets, dances, and sport tournaments.
  • This is the place where the Boy Scouts have their Court of Honors.

But to many Jodo Shinshuists, this is our home. This is where our Oya-sama dwells.  NAMU AMIDA BUTSU"


"Many aspects of our Hompa Hongwanji Los Angeles Betsuin" in Page. 24 from The 75th Year Book-Hompa Hongwanji Los Angeles Betsuin 1905-1980

Term of temple


The temple’s main hall is called the Hondo. It is the place which we gather to listen to the Teachings of the Buddha. Ministers provide guidance and instruction in the Buddha-Dharma at the temple.


The temple provides the venue and the opportunity to listen to the Dharma and study the teachings in depth through religious activities such as Dharma services, seminars, workshops, special observances, and special events. Another objective of the temple is to provide assistance, through various means, for the welfare of the community, extending beyond the circle of the sangha. As the central focus of the community, the temple, and its members, both ministers and lay people, have the responsibility for society at large. The temple also is regarded as a cultural center, offering a wide range of programs, all aimed at cultivating the Dharma, particularly the teachings of Jodo Shinshu.


The Board of Directors supports the ministers in managing the business of the temple. Committees are established on occasion to plan and formulate temple activities. To further make the Nembutsu practice an integral part of their everyday life, Sangha members are encouraged to participate in activities and programs for propagating and promoting the Jodo Shinshu teaching.